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Algebra Solve for c a=bbcd a = b bcd a = b b c d Rewrite the equation as bbcd = a b b c d = a bbcd = a b b c d = a Subtract b b from both sides of the equation bcd = a− b b c d = a b Divide each term by bd b d and simplify Tap for more steps Codplais1 Answer To evaluate the composition, you need to find the value of function f first But, f (0) is 1 over 0, and division by 0 is undefined Therefore, you cannot find the value of the composition Stepbystep explanation diavinad8 and 107 more users found this answer helpful heart outlined(c) Positive integers aand bsuch that 9 jab, but 9 aand 9 b Corollary 11 If pis a prime and pdivides a product of several integers, then it divides one of the factors That is if pja 1a 2 a k, then pja j for some j Problem 9 Use induction to prove this from Proposition 10 Lemma 12 If aand bare integers such that there are integers xand y

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C) ƒ(n) = n3 This function maps each value in ℤ to a unique image, therefore it is onetoone d) ƒ(n) = ⌈n/2⌉ The values 3 and 4 map to the same image in ℤ, therefore it is not onetoone Problem Thirteen (1818) Determine whether each of these functions is a bijection from ℝ to ℝ¤ ­ Æ ô ¥ u d y N ð v z W E = P Ì ¢ ¿ ² Æ Ü Æ Ý É Æ Ü Æ s Ü ñ u d µ » Ï ¹ è X Q d O V V l x Y Ï ç ª z Z ` O = P Ì ¢ ¿ ² Æ Ü Æ Ý É Æ Ü Æ s Ü ñ u d µ » Ï ¹ è X Q d O V V l x Y Ï ç ª z Z ` O ® ë ¯ ê P Õ Ä ­ ê P Õ Ó ¥ Á Æ Ó ë Ô é Õ Õ Õ Õ Õ Õ Å ç ñ Ó ë Ô é ¹(c) Since any vector x in H can be written as a linear combination of v1 and v2, that is, since x= c1v1 c2v2 for some scalars c1, c2, it follows that the coordinate vector xB = (c1;c2) of x is in R2 Hence, H is isomorphic to R2 under the coordinate mapping, see Theorem 8 in Section 44 2 Let b1 = 0 @ 1 0 0 1 A;

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YFD ñF SG0 Ž7Õ Ù" Ð@# K>¦ öé µ b ù4» â Õ€SÉ w4 óE‹ „Ì ;The student earned 6 points 2 points in part (a), no points in part (b), 2 points in part (c), and 2 points in part (d) The student presents correct work in parts (a), (c), and (d) In part (b) the student does not identify x =2 as a candidate, so the first point was not earned The student finds the value of g(−3) but does not find theOTTO € @CFF ° ' ÀE8GDEF h Uø*GPOS³h¯ V$ ®GSUB ^Ô OS/2iß­‚ à`cmapÇ–¿ „head v 'Ô6hhea e 6 ¼$hmtxÎÒ € ®maxp ,PÌ nameê8 œ @ Ùpostÿ@ P

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2 (c;d) if and only if ad = bc (Here, we say N is the set of positive integers, not including 0) (c) Let R 3 be the relation over Z such that aR 3 b if and only if ja bj 5 (Bonus points) For each equivalence relation, identify the equivalence classes Explain your reasoning (a) Answer R 1 is an equivalence relation To see that R(c) f(x) is onetoone correspondence?Solution for find (f o g)(x) and (g o f)(x) and domains of each f(x)= 7x9 g(x)= (x9)/7 Want to see this answer and more?



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